Become a member.


​​What are the benefits of membership?

  • Meaningful and worthwhile membership meetings with presentations by the  U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA, Union Representatives, Career School Directors, and Employers from a variety of career areas, ... the list goes on and on. 


  • Our association is a Professional Development Provider. Members receive 2 hours of Professional Development and a certificate is distributed following each meeting.

  • ​A VERY successful scholarship program for the benefit of our students.  The cooperative education students of our members are eligible to apply for scholarships  to a variety of career schools and colleges.  This past year over $250,000 of scholarship assistance was available to our students, through our association.   

  • Our goal is to assist ALL of our cooperative education students with scholarships.  Please check our scholarship page for more information.

  • A great feeling knowing that you have joined an organization that is progressive and successful. Our meetings are fun, professional and informative and offer an environment  of community.  


  • ​​You can fill out the google form below to become a member.

  • As Cooperative Education Coordinators, we are in a unique position to directly assist our students with their career goals. It is an immense feeling of accomplishment to know that your guidance, dedication and motivation helped a student to succeed.  

  • Here is the membership information:
    Member  $50.00.
    Retired Member $30.00
    Mail payment or purchase order
    Make check payable to: N.J.C.E.C.A.

  • Mail to:        

    Angel Pelosi -Treasurer
    Passaic County Technical Institute
    45 Reinhardt Road
    Wayne NJ 07470

  • 973-389-4135